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Free CANopen windows tool updated (and fullmo Kickdrive, too)

During the winter break we freshened up our Kickdrive software releases.

So new versions v2.0 are available for 
  • Kickdrive Zero, our freeware CANopen windows tool.
  • fullmo Kickdrive, which allows you to do so much more
You can grab a copy of the updated software from here:

Changes include:
  • Added support for CANopen data types REAL32 and  OCTET_STRING 
  • Windows 10 compatibility adjustments(especially for fullmo USB2Drive hardware)
  • Baud/Node scan uses now "Reset Nodes" instead of "Start Nodes"
  • Object Editor: Export actual values to .xdc and additional formats (.csv, .cdcf, .txt)
  • The UI Panel now uses the updated QML2 language
  • Other minor corrections and fixes.
For a complete overview see the Kickdrive Release Notes

We'd like to thank the Kickdrive users for their encouraging and helpful feedback. We do realize that Kickdrive releases come a bit slowly. This is because we are very busy with building actual client applications on top of the Kickdrive software base. But the improvements from there will gradually find their way into the standard Kickdrive product. As with Docklight, we are the slow-and-steady type and intend to keep it that way.


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